Astrology is the study of planets and their influence on the natural world. It can be used to understand your nature, purpose, passions, personal constitution, and how you relate to others. You can also use astrology to support you in the cycles of life, and to forecast, predict, and plan important events. Are you astro-curious?
Natal Chart Reading
Discover the profound insights within your personal natal chart. This reading will unveil the highest potential of your sign, explore your chart's signature, and delve into its houses, planets, and aspects. Understand how these elements combine to reveal your unique cosmic blueprint. This session will guide you on your soul's path, affirming your life choices and bringing clarity to what brings you joy, freedom, and fulfillment. Perfect for those who love to grow and evolve.
Price: $150
Lunar Reading
In this focused reading, we explore the depths of your natal moon sign and how to harmonize with your personal moon phase, sign, and element. The Moon, our great Nurturer, supports our emotional well-being. By connecting with the Moon, you'll align with the natural cycles and divine harmony within and around you. We will dive into your lunar self, offering practices to help you overcome life challenges, regain balance, and live your best life.
Price: $150
Solar Return Reading- Your Birthday Year Ahead
It’s your birthday! Your Solar Return is when your natal sun returns to the precise degree and sign of the zodiac that it occupied at your birth. Your birthday chart summarizes the key themes of your year ahead, and you’ll get a glimpse of upcoming trends and planetary cycles.
It’s a powerful way to kick off your new year and celebrate your incarnation, while illuminating the next steps on your path with wisdom about your cosmic purpose.
Price: $175
Natal Astro Reading and Yoga Therapy Package
The package is divided into two sessions. The first session is a deep dive into your Astrology natal chart, followed by a separate guided live yoga practice tailored to your unique astrological profile. This is a unique, personalized experience crafted out from your personal blueprint and designed for your human body!
Price: $297
Solar Power Embodiment Course
Solar Power Embodiment
is an exploration of astrology and embodiment merging the influence of the sky above with our earthly body.
Price: $88